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Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Audi 90 Best Model in World

In September 1987 the first began selling Audi 90 sedans, which in terms of equipment and finishing slightly exceed "80 th", but were equipped with more powerful propulsion units : gasoline 4-cylinders with central injection capacity of 2.0 litres (115 litres) that out of the production programme has fallen 1.9-litre Quad; 5-cylinser-2.0-litre (115 litres).

Audi 90 Audi 90 Super Photo

And the 2.3-litre 136-horsepower (which since February 1987 has become the the export market for the United States, Audi 80). Gamma also added new 20-valve 160-strong economical engines 2.0-and 2.3-litre volume, which was equipped and Quattro version.

Audi 90 Audi 90 Cool Photo

All made from February 1987 model led to the standards of Europe and the United States on the level of toxicity of exhaust gases.

Audi 90Audi 90 Classic Photo

In the 1991 model Audi 90 withdrew from the proceedings.


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