Ariel Tatum was a young actress who starred in several soap operas, movies, and became a star ad. Ariel began his career in the field of entertainment through a variety of ads that follow casting.
At the age of 10 years, the couple daughter Matilda Tatum Rico Murry and is believed to be the advertising model Isuzu Panther. Since then, advertising bids were flowing. Among Sari Segar, Milk Maid, Gerry Chocolate, and Peugeot.
His success in the entertainment field is not separated from the foresight of his mother, Matilda Tatum, who sees talent in front of the camera Ariel. Ariel mom enrolled in the Top Model competition in 2003. As expected, this girl is able to snatch first prize. The win made him diligent in following the various ad casting into the main gate in a career artist.

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